Volleyball is a growing sport in Colorado that requires a unique set of physical skills to ensure optimal performance. The staff at Next Level has spent a considerable amount of time and research in developing systems that maximize these physical qualities for the highly competitive athlete at all levels. All sessions are highly individualized to meet the specific needs of each client, group, or team.

What you can expect from the Next Level Volleyball Training System

  • higher vertical jump and explosive power
  • increased velocity on serve and spikes
  • injury reduction strategies to keep you on the court
  • learn how to eat for performance, health, and recovery
  • develop an athletic base to build upon for entire career

Next Level Performance has training programs for pre-season, in-season, and off-season competitors. Sessions will be customized to fit the specific needs of each season. Training will encompass all aspects that factor in to becoming a superior athlete. These include sport specific speed, agility, explosive power, strength, mobility, nutrition, and recovery.


“Next Level Training is the place to go for serious, life changing workouts. The knowledge and expertise that Brian and his staff bring to every training session has meant the difference between the game winning save and a long bus ride home after a loss. Next Level means business, and if you are looking for the competitive edge, this is the place to go”.
~Chris Bluse
University of Colorado Lacrosse
